- Antenatal care with 4D ultrasound assessments
- Gynecology minor surgeries
- Infertility treatment and procedures (IUI)
- Treatment of urinary incontinence prolapse by surgery and laser therapy
- Early diagnosis of breast cancer and cervical cancer in addition to vaccinations
- Antenatal care
- Early pregnancy care
- Maternal medicine
- Management of labor
- Management of delivery and intrapartum complications
- Postpartum care
- Fetal medicine
- Gynecological care
- Urogynecology and pelvic care
- Surgical procedures and postoperative care
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Female sterilization and reproduction
- Infertility
- Gynecological oncology
- Management of Stress Incontinence by surgical or laser treatment
- Vaginal rejuvenation by laser
- Aesthetic management